Kevin Wilcock
Brickwork Lecturer
I have worked in the Construction trade since leaving school. I started as an Apprentice bricklayer for a local construction company and achieved a Level 3. I continued working as a bricklayer stonemason across the UK and then started my own business. In 2007 I entered into a teaching role in bricklaying and Construction & the Built Environment and I am currently teaching brickwork Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 at Craven College.
My Qualifications...
BA Hons Education & Professional Studies
Level 3 Brickwork
Certificate in Education
Assessor Units, Verifier Units
Did you know...
- I have met the Queen and played backgammon with Paul Daniels
- I enjoy sports, football and golf
Find out more about my areas:BricklayingConstruction
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