Contact us to arrange an initial meeting to clarify your needs and enable you to find out more about our Apprenticeships.
Email us at or call us on 07156 693 681.
At Craven College, we strongly believe that Apprenticeships are not only an invaluable first step into a career but equally, an excellent opportunity for local businesses to grow and develop their employees and create a more highly skilled workforce for their future success.
Craven College has many years of experience in offering high-quality Apprenticeship services to employers big or small and will tailor our approach to suit your needs.
Our highly experienced Apprenticeship team supports employers right through from recruitment to achievement. An Apprenticeship Co-ordinator is always available to deal with any issue you may have and we guarantee a professional and prompt service. Our Free and professional services will help you with:
Apprenticeship Levy advice
‘Manage Apprenticeships’ Account set-up
Apprenticeship Employment advice
Free Recruitment services
Identifying development opportunities
Co-ordinating high-quality training
Ongoing support and guidance
For more information, please email us at or call on 01756 693 681.
In order to fund an apprenticeship, it is now a requirement that all employers are registered with a ‘Manage Apprenticeships’ Account.
An employer must have an account, reserve funding for the Apprentice and link with a training provider before an apprenticeship can commence.
Craven College supports all employers to register on this Apprenticeship Service and reserve any funding available. The College can also add apprenticeship information if the employer sets the correct permissions in that system.
However, the College cannot take responsibility where employers have not accessed the ‘Manage Apprenticeship’ account or reserved funding at a later date than the actual start date of Apprenticeship training. Late registration or reservation of funding can potentially delay the delivery or achievement date of an Apprenticeship due to the 12-month minimum duration. Where funding hasn’t been reserved, the College are committed to delivering training and ensuring learning progress takes place for a reasonable amount of time. Continued training without funding is considered on a case-by-case basis and the College reserve the right to recommend an alternative employer where no funding has been received for a period of 60 days.
Contact us to arrange an initial meeting to clarify your needs and enable you to find out more about our Apprenticeships.
Email us at or call us on 07156 693 681.
An Apprenticeship will usually take anything from 12 to 24 months at Level 2 and a direct Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship could take up to three years. Higher and Degree Apprenticeships can take anything between 2 to 5 years. The competence based elements are quite flexible and can be fast tracked depending on level of experience and commitment.
To be eligible for an Apprenticeship the candidate must:
Eligibility for funding will be subject to previous qualifications held. A candidate cannot be funded to do an Apprenticeship if they already hold a similar vocational qualification at the same level or above.
Our comprehensive service will:
Craven College offers a wide range of Apprenticeships which are regularly reviewed to meet local business demand. A full list of our current Apprenticeship provision and costings can be viewed here.
If you are looking for an Apprenticeship that is not listed, please contact us.
Apprenticeships represent excellent value for money as they are, in most instances, exempt from National Minimum Wage and National Insurance Contributions at least for the first 12 months of the Apprenticeship. This gives you the opportunity to train and develop Apprentices, ensuring maximum productivity by the end of the programme.
However, you can set your own starting salary over and above the National Minimum Wage for Apprentices based on what you would like to offer. You can even include regular salary reviews based on performance/target setting etc. if you feel it appropriate to do so.
National Minimum Wage inc Apprenticeship rate.
All Apprentices must be in ‘full-employed status’ and as such, need to be employed for at least 30 hours per week (this can include time spent in College). Apprentices are paid for their time spent in College.