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Childcare Students Learn Vital Skills

Published 22 January
Childcare (Early Years) courses

Year 2 Level 3 Childcare and Education students participated in a full-day Emergency First Aid at Work course, to provide additional enrichment opportunities and essential skills.

First Aid in the Workplace

Students dealt with a variety of situations based that could arise in the workplace and undertook training in a range of skills that could prove vital in emergency incidents.

Students took part in training in primary and secondary assessment, CPR, defibrillator training, and dealing with a choking situation, discussion surrounding cross infection and safe management of wounds, handling of foreign objects, and use of bandages and dressings.

Using equipment such as resuscitation manikins, adult choking manikin, anti-choking vest, and casualty simulation limbs students learned how to deal safely and efficiently with emergency situations.

Working in teams, this was a really practical and hands-on session that not only delivered essential content but in a truly engaging way.

First Aid in the Workplace
First Aid in the Workplace

David Edwards, Lecturer in Health and Social Care who delivered the session said, “The day was important as the students collaborated, showed comradery, and displayed fantastic teamwork skills to solve a number of emergency situations and challenges throughout the day. Most importantly they have learned a ‘life skill’ in the ability to save someone’s life.

Stephanie McKay, Head of Caring Professions added, “The Year 2 Diploma in Childcare and Education students have been thoroughly enjoying doing their Emergency First Aid at Work qualification today. This is one of two additional First Aid qualifications that Craven College Early Years department offers alongside their Early Years Educator Diploma.

“This is to ensure our students are employment ready by the end of their course. We work closely with local Nurseries and Schools to help design our curriculum and provide the extra qualifications this sector deems both essential and desirable. The students will do their paediatric first aid qualification in April.

Find out more about our Childcare courses or visit us on our next Open Event in March!

Access to FELevel 1
Childcare (Early Years)Level 1, Level 2
Early Years Educator ApprenticeshipLevel 3
Early Years Lead Practitioner Apprenticeship Under DevelopmentLevel 5
Early Years Practitioner ApprenticeshipLevel 2
Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship New CourseLevel 3
Degrees & Higher Levels
Young Children’s Learning & Development BA (Hons) (Top-up)Level 6
Young Children’s Learning & Development FdALevel 5
Education & Childcare - Early Years Educator T LevelLevel 3
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