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Lecturer in Horticulture and Countryside
Michael Myers title

After leaving university I ran my own landscaping business for many years supplemented with lectures to garden clubs and organising courses for Harlow Carr. I started teaching, initially part-time, at Craven College back in 2001. I also work as an advisor for the RHS at flower shows and as a consultant for City and Guilds.

My Qualifications...
  • Master of Horticulture - MHort (RHS)

  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Education – PGCE

  • Master of Science (Fungal Technology) – MSc

  • Bachelor of Science (Plant Biology) - BSc

  • Higher National Diploma (Horticulture) - HND

Did you know...
  • I was Young Horticulturist of the Year in 1991 and won a travel bursary to visit The Philippines
  • I am a keep alpine gardener and exhibit at alpine shows, I have also written books on hepaticas and snowdrops for an Italian publisher
  • I play field hockey for Harrogate

Find out more about my areas:Countryside & AgricultureHorticulture

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