Student Life
Having a great time at College is about more than just studying on your course. Whether you want to meet new people or develop new skills you will have the opportunity whilst at Craven College.
Extracurricular and Support
The Students’ Union (SU) represents your views on everything from equality to education. It runs clubs, societies and events and offers the chance to become a course representative to represent the voice of your classmates or volunteering at a range of events or activities.
The Student Services Hub is located on the Aireville Campus and offers a wide range of free, fair and confidential services to help support your studies. Student Mentors are located on all campuses and can also provide information, advice and guidance with regard to Student Services and signpost you to the relevant support you need. Click the button below to see all support available.
The Learning Hub
Craven College Learning Hub offers quality learning resources to help our students achieve their full potential including books, magazines, electronic resources (including e-books) and DVDs.
3 Peaks Café
There are cafés at the Aireville Campus and Auction Mart Campus that offer a wide variety of meals, snacks and drinks. Food is freshly prepared and cooked on the premises. Vending machines and water coolers can be found in most buildings and there are several social spaces for students to use.